Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring & Evaluation

The unit is essential in ensuring that targets are achieved within the time allocated and that the intended outputs are timely and efficiently achieved. Monitoring will ensure that the objectives of the strategic plan will be reinforced through corrective measures in a timely manner. Evaluation surveys will be done to determine the sustainability and impact of the centre’s products and services.

Strategic Issues

  • To enhance relevance and quality information sourced and disseminated.
  • To enhance teamwork and networking
  • To increase the coverage and impact of the centre’s products and services.
  • To enhance customer satisfaction.

Monitoring and Evaluation unit assists the organization to

  • Identify problems and their causes
  • Suggest possible solutions to problems
  • Raise questions about assumptions and strategy
  • Pushes it to reflect on where it is going and how it is getting there
  • Provides it with information and insight
  • Encourages action on information and insight
  • Increases the likelihood that a positive development difference will be made

Management tool to measure performance and level of attainment of AIRC strategic objectives over a given period of time

Through this process, results and recommendations of the evaluation were communicated to various Unit heads and the management through which progress was reviewed, problems were identified at the planning and implementation stages and a room for adjustments was provided so that we were able to “make a positive difference”.


This is used by the unit for comparing actual project impacts against the agreed strategic plans. It looks at what you set out to do, at what you have accomplished and how you accomplished it. It is usually formative, with the aim of improving the strategy used or it can be summative, to draw learnings from a completed project.


The unit applies this through the systematic collection and analysis of information as a project progresses, it is aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. It is based on targets set and activities planned during the planning phases of work. It helps to keep the work on track, and can let the management know when things are going wrong. It enables you to determine whether the resources you have available are sufficient and are being well used, whether the capacity you have is sufficient and appropriate, and whether you are doing what you planned to do.

Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

AIRC has strengths that can be used to exploit the current and emerging opportunities. However there are also internal weaknesses that reduce the centre’s capacity to exploit opportunities, remain competitive and achieve sustained growth.


  • There is existing agricultural information collected both in print and electronic form.
  • Availability of a revolving fund which promotes efficiency in service delivery.
  • Availability of skilled and experienced staff especially in core agricultural disciplines.
  • AIRC is in a strategic location in respect to markets and potential partners.
  • The agricultural sector commitment to establishment of an information and communication hub.
  • Fairly well equipped studios, modern printing press and adequate office space.
  • Availability of Local Area Network on a fibre backbone 


  • The government’s recognition of the critical role of Information Communication Management (ICM) in national development as enumerated in Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS), Vision 2030 and other Policy documents
  • Growth in the information sub-sector.
  • Increased demand for information and the liberalization of the airwaves.
  • Improved networking and collaborations with media houses, education institutions and development organizations.
  • Legislations and policies have been formulated and implemented like the freedom of Information Policy, ICT Policy and e-government strategy.
  • Emerging electronic technology and establishment of e-resources.
  • Increased funding of ICM activities and programmes by the GOK, development partners and donor agencies.
  • There is increased generation of grey literature due to an increase of agricultural development projects and programmes
  • Increased collaboration with donor funded programs in the Ministry, research institutions and broadcasting houses.
  • High demand  for audiovisual programs and digital content
  • A well established network of agriculture staff deployed to the grass root level.
  • Regional market for information products and services.
  • Training in agricultural journalism.
  • Consumer awareness of high quality products and services.


  • Incomplete staff complement.
  • Limited skills and expertise in information resource management at both  the National and devolved levels
  • Poor coordination  and unpredictable funding of on-going ICM activities.
  • Government Institutions do not reward various skills, necessary to successfully run an information and communication program
  • Competition from private sector in terms of quality and cost of information services unfavourable career progression environment for non-agricultural personnelRestrictions by intellectual property rights and copyright legislations.
  • Rigid and lengthy procurement procedures.
  • Weak institutional ICTM guidelines and limited open access initiatives.